Monday 17 April 2017

Animation - Butterfly Dragon book opening

Today I decided to give myself a larger animation to complete. I have decided to theme my project around 'characters', so what better than to animate the beginning of my own original story 'The Butterfly Dragon and the Pear Tree'. The beginning of this book involves a lot of movement and sets the scene, so I thought it'd be a nice part to begin with.

The pages I used for my animation are:
The first page

The second page

And the first frame on the 3rd page!

 I really enjoyed making this animation. It consisted of 3 parts; The scene setting, the reveal of the dragon and the close up. This complex animation took me an entire day to complete, despite being 9 seconds long, due to the complexity of the colours and detail.

This was a fun animation to make, it was lovely seeing my story which I wrote 2 years ago come to life.

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