Saturday 8 April 2017

Research - Disney Animated Shorts

Feast is a 2014 animated short film produced by Walt Disney Studios, about a Boston Terrier who loves junk food. 
It was animated using the Meander system developed for another Disney short; Paperman, and was the first time the tool was used in colour.

The characters and environment feature a line-free style with solid blocks of colour. The view centres on Winston and the food while leaving the human characters generally out of focus. Because the film consists of a series of very brief scenes cut together, the foods portrayed had to be appetising and recognisable at first glance.

I really love this animation, everything from the style, to the characters and the plot. I find it really inspiring how we are able to connect so well to the character and develop an attachment in such a short animation, and this is something I hope to create in my animation as well.

Here is a short video showing The Making of Feast and some images that show how the character was developed.

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