Monday 3 April 2017

Research - Kévin Gemin

An animator who really inspires me is Kévin Gemin, a French animator who is fascinated by birds and the way that they move. Gemin approaches animation in a very interesting way, using very basic software on his Nintendo 3DS, as well as TVpaint every now and then. I found Gemin's work by chance while browsing Facebook, and I have come to admire his very quirky and unique style.

Kévin Gemin uses photos from the internet to inspire the little animations he creates and the characters that he comes up with. He then animates using FlipNote Studio on the Nintendo 3DS, which is a program I have used briefly but found very difficult to use, due to the size of the screen.

This French animator also animates to music, with his characters moving perfectly in time with the beat to the selected track. Here are a few of my favourite animations that he has created with music.

Kévin Gemin mainly uses FlipNote Studio on his Nintendo 3DS to create his animations, however more recently he has been using a program called TVpaint. 

I'm thinking if I were to do animations that involve dancing characters or a lot of movement, I'd be better creating characters that are simpler in design and are not complex, to make it easier to animate their movements.

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