Thursday 6 April 2017

Animation - Counting Intro

Today I set myself the goal of creating a short intro for what could be a counting animation for young children. I wasn't feeling particularly ambitious, and just wanted to create something simple that would show how the character animates, yet this turned into my most complex animation yet.

This animation consisted on a number of still and movie frames, and changed between these to allow movement of the character. Additional frames were included for colour.

This animation was aimed to be a short introduction that would provide a transition into the counting animations, it involves the text appearing followed by the character, but as I worked on this I began to add more features and movements.

The transition out of the intro still involves the dragon covering the screen with a burst of red fire. This was something I decided to add at the very end of the animating process and I'm very happy with it.

I think this animation is a step in the right direction and I'm getting the hang of utilising frames and colours.

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