Friday 5 May 2017

Final Animation - Finishing up (parts 8 and 9)

 Yesterday I sat down to finish up my final animation to wrap up the Convergence/Divergence unit.
The previous part of the animation sees the Butterfly Dragon sleeping after struggling to pick the pear. As with the last sleeping scene, the action happens in the background. We see the butterfly return again, this time followed by several others. Together, they pick the pear from the branch and fly off with it, and this wakes the dragon, leading on to the final scene.

Still of the group of butterflies from part 7.

After rendering this part, I sat down with my sketchbook to plan part 8, which will be the final part. In this part, the Dragon is given the pear by the butterfly, as thanks for helping him earlier. I needed to plan what kind of perspectives I would use and what I would animate in each sequence. 
I decided to re-use the 'waking up' scene from the previous part, but added an extended part in which the Butterfly Dragon looks down in shock, to see the butterfly with the pear, along with all of his friends. The dragon then smiles at the butterfly, as all of the other butterflies fly off, and he looks up to watch them fly away. 

Final render of part 8.

Although this is a nice ending in itself, I decided to add a little clip on to the end to wrap up the story. This clip isn't really animated, but shows the camera panning away from the tree and the dragon, as the butterfly flies up into the sky and out of sight.
I chose this opportunity to end the animation off with the title of the story and sign it off with my name.

Still from the ending scene.

Final render of the ending scene.

I am very happy with the ending, now comes the exciting part of putting the parts together in Adobe AfterEffects and rendering the whole short animation as one video.

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