Tuesday 2 May 2017

Final Animation - Progress (parts 3, 4 and 5)

Last night I began working on the 3rd 10 second part of my final animation. This part introduces the storm which sees us through the first night of the animation. In this part I had to animate a number of individual objects such as the clouds and leaves, however I feel it was worth it as the animation looks a lot better.

This morning I rendered the video, and I'm very happy with this part as I feel it is a good transition into the next part of the short story, and I stuck to what I had planned in my sketchbook.
Final render of part 3.

The next part of the animation is the storm that happens at night while the Butterfly Dragon is sleeping in his little hole in the pear tree. In this part I animated a few separate things to add realism, and I am especially happy with how the rain looks in the background.

I decided to add a few flashes of lightning. Here is what the lightning originally looked like before I added the flash inside the cave.

Here is my concept art for this scene.

Here is a still of the lightning flash.

All together this part doesn't involve much movement from the Butterfly Dragon besides blowing a bubble out of his nose in his sleep, yet I think the animation that occurs outside the cave is very good and I am pleased with it.

Final render of part 4.

The next morning after the storm, the little dragon heads outside to see the butterfly taking shelter under a leaf. The butterfly is cold and wet from the storm, so the Butterfly Dragon decides to warm him up with hot air from his nose and he is very grateful. Again with this part, I worked very closely to my plan which I had set out in my sketchbook, only making a few changes to perspective.

Final render of part 5.

The next part I have planned to make sees the Butterfly Dragon attempt to pick his pear and fail, and then the second night of the animation.

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