Thursday 4 May 2017

Final Animation - Progress (parts 6 and 7)

I was up until 2am this morning working on the 6th part of my animation. Any part which involves the movement of the Butterfly Dragon's elaborate wings takes a lot of time so I wanted to get a head start on it. At the end of the session, I had done the outline and most of the colour work for the many different frames of the wings, leaving a small amount to finish off this morning.

Not much happens in this part however it is a driver for what will happen in the final part and be the conclusion of this short story.

Final render of part 6.

The next part shows what happens after the dragon gives up on trying to pick the pear, he retires to his cave for a sleep.

As with the last sleep scene, the action in this animation happens outside the cave. In the background this time, we see the butterfly swoop down followed by several others, only to pick the fruit that the Dragon failed to pick earlier. This sets up for the conclusion and final part of this story.

Final render of part 7.

All I have left to do is to plan out the ending of the story and begin to work on it. I aim to have it completed and rendered in full tomorrow.

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