Sunday 26 March 2017

Practice Animation - Butterfly Dragon Counting

To further play around with my idea of creating an animation of the Butterfly Dragon teaching to count in a short animation, I started working on a small tester animation showing counting using numbers of fruit. 
These frames were stills with animations of the numbers appearing above the fruit, with a small animation of the dragon appearing at the end. Not a very adventurous start, but something to get the ball rolling. The fruits being counted are 1 Apple, 2 Watermelon slices, 3 Bananas, 4 Oranges and 5 Pears, with the pile at the end consisting of just a random number of each fruit.

The final frame has the little dragon popping out of the pile, it's a very cute end to the animation.

I feel like this animation is a step in the right direction. Although not much really happens, I feel like the character looks really good in this style and lends itself to this kind of animation. I will continue to experiment with different ways of animating sequences similar to this.

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