Friday 10 March 2017

Animation Timing Test - Shape of You

Today I started working on a new little animated video using the software that I learned to use earlier this week. I played around a lot more with timings in this animated short as this is what Paul suggested I try out.

I planned out this animation before I made it. I had an idea of what I was going to make before I began.

I used the song 'Shape of You' by Ed Sheeran for this animation as this is a song I like and feel that I could animate to the beat of. My idea for this animation involved a lot of movements to the beat of the track which is quite fast, so I found it a little difficult to perfect the timings, so I feel like I did a good job.

The first phase of the animation has fireworks exploding to the beat.

The second phase has drinks filling up and going down to the beat, with the background lighting also changing colour.

The third phase has the dots moving up and down to the beat.

The final transition is a large heart that covers the screen,.

The final phase has little diamonds appearing and disappearing to the beat.

When I came to render the video, I realised how heavily my animation relied on the onion skins that were present during the development, and as a result the rendered video looked rather jumpy. To resolve this issue, I used screen capture to record my video in editing and then created the final version on Adobe Premier, and I am very happy with the outcome.

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